Thursday, March 18, 2010

Boom? Roasted?

The important news is that I passed! They want me to make a lot of changes, which is kind of daunting because I forgot that is standard, and have to gear up for more work. But I can do it. WE can do it, people! I'm a bit mentally fatigued right now, and will explain it all later. But I passed. This is historic. Thank you, dear readers, for your silent but perceived support.


aly said...

"silent but perceived support." I love it.

Hope said...

Ethan! SO proud of you, friend! We have been praying for you over here. Knew that amazing mind of yours could do it! Congrats to you, you completely deserve. Miss you guys, hope to see you soon!

Ethan said...

Thanks, guys! I thought you'd get that, Aly.