Thursday, October 15, 2009


This is an incredible story, brought to you by BBC via Travis' blog.

What if we all had this kind of creativity, whimsy, and determination after we got home from work?


Paul said...

a friend of mine showed me this article yesterday....unbelievable
so cool to read about that kind of ingenuity, inspiring and challenging for those of us who live in the midst of an overabundance of resources.....

Ethan said...

No kidding. Think of how many "windmills" are dumped in the woods or the dump every day!

Stan Putnam said...

i feel like these used to be the types of stories that you read about americans. but these days, american youths are kinda shitting the bed.

ps i am an 80 year old man

Ethan said...

And who's fault is that? Thier commie parents, that's who. JK, but for real, kids these days see little scarcity and are hardly challenged in a real way. So where is the motive for them to invent a windmill? You know when I was a kid they used to call me Henry Ford, because I was the inventor of the personal automobile.